Sunday, 8 September 2013

Fever - children

What is a fever?

A fever is when the body's temperature is higher than normal.
Humans usually have a body temperature within a very narrow range. Normally a child has a fever when their temperature, is over 37.5ºC. (when taken by a thermometer in the mouth or under the arm).
A child with a fever often has a hot, flushed face. The forehead may feel hot. The child may feel hot, or sometimes even shivery. A child's hands and feet may feel cold, even when the rest of the child is hot. Children with fever are often miserable or tired.

Is fever good or bad?

Fever is the body's natural response to infection. Raising the body temperature helps the body to fight off the infection, so it is not always necessary to treat the fever.
However, children with fever often feel uncomfortable and unwell and using measures to bring down their temperature can help.
Fevers, especially if they are rapidly increasing, may occasionally bring about convulsions (fits) in children under five years old. These are not dangerous but they can be frightening. Keeping a child’s temperature from getting too high may prevent fits. 

What causes fever?

The most common cause of a fever is infection. Infections of the upper respiratory tract, such as colds and flu, are very common, especially in preschool children. Young preschoolers can have five to ten infections each year. These infections are caused by a virus and get better on their own without antibiotics.
Some infections, like ear infections and some throat infections, may be caused by bacteria. If your child has a bacterial infection, he or she will get better much quicker if antibiotics are prescribed by a doctor.
Fever may also be caused by other factors, such as prolonged exposure to the sun on a hot day.

When do you need to see a doctor?

You need to see a doctor if your child has a fever and:
  • Your child is very young (six months or younger).
  • Your child seems very sick.
You also need to see a doctor if your child:
  • Has an earache.
  • Has difficulty swallowing.
  • Has fast breathing.
  • Has a rash.
  • Has vomiting.
  • Has neck stiffness.
  • Has bulging of the fontanelle (the soft spot on the head in babies).
  • Is very sleepy or drowsy.
Older children who have a cold, but are not very sick, generally do not need to see a doctor with every fever.

Treatment of fever in children

Usually your child's fever will be caused by a viral infection and will get better on its own. Monitor your child's fever by regularly checking their temperature.
A fever is part of the body’s natural response to infection and can often be left to run its course provided your child is drinking enough and is otherwise well. If your child is having trouble drinking though, trying to reduce their temperature may help. Maintaining fluid intake is important in preventing your child from becoming dehydrated, which can lead to more serious problems. As a guide, your child's urine should be pale yellow – if it's darker, drinking more fluids should be encouraged.
Keep your child away from school or day care while they have a fever. However, if your child is very hot and uncomfortable, you can try these simple steps:
  • Take off your child's clothes.
  • Give your child plenty to drink; children with a fever need more fluids.
  • Consult a doctor if the fever does not settle or your child is still sick.

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