Friday 2 August 2013

Swimming pool safety

Drowning in pools is one of the leading causes of child deaths during the summer months. Help prevent drowning by following these simple safety measures: 
Install child resistant fencing
Swimming pool should to be surrounded by an approved child resistant barrier. 

Do not leave objects near the barrier
Children may use objects left near the barrier to climb over. 

Supervise your children
A secure pool is no substitute for responsible adult supervision. Children in or around the water must be supervised at all times, no matter what their swimming ability. 

Teach your children to swim
It is essential that children are taught to swim from an early age. 

Learn resuscitation techniques
Training in resuscitation techniques will give adults the skills required in an emergency situation. Resuscitation charts are required to be displayed within the pool enclosure. If not you can purchase a resuscitation chart. 

Did you know?


  • Pool covers are not a child resistant barrier.
  • All above ground swimming pools should be surrounded by a child resistant barrier.
  • The cost of altering and maintaining an existing dividing fence forming part of a required child resistant barrier is your responsibility.
  • Window and door openings must not open directly into a swimming pool area.
Regardless of the aquatic location, supervision means being within arm’s reach of your children whenever they are in, on or around water.

Drowning deaths can occur in the time it takes to answer the doorbell, run and get a change of clothes or make a cup of coffee. Drowning is swift and silent which is why parents must be within arm’s reach of young children in water. 

Key tips 
  • young children need to be supervised constantly (within arm’s reach) whenever they are in, on or around water
  • restricting a young child’s access to water either by putting a barrier around the water or around the child is also effective in preventing drowning deaths
  • undertaking water familiarisation with your child will help you to become aware of the dangers
  • learning resuscitation can help if an incident does occur. Learning these techniques today may save your child’s life.
Learning to swim is a vital skill for all ages, especially children. Ensuring your child receives quality teaching is important – because learning to swim is a skill for life.

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