Monday 26 August 2013

Preparing for the first day of school

It’s the middle of summer and your family’s enjoying days at the beach and picnics in the park – but deep down there’s an anxiety or nervousness brewing as the first day at school beckons. Maybe your child is starting big school, or returning for a new year.  It’s completely normal to be a little anxious and nervous for everyone – first timers at big school, returnees and parents - here are her tips for parents and students.


Tips for first timers at school


Your baby is starting big school and the excitement has been growing. But as the big day looms you and your child may start to feel a little nervous.  For your child, it’s the anxiety about the great unknown. Here is how you can help:
  • “Normalise” those feelings of nervousness. Tell your child that it’s OK to feel nervous and worried and that these feelings are very normal.
  • Talk freely and regularly about starting school. Prepare early, if there’s something particular that your child is nervous about, see if you can get them to talk about it.
  • Have an expedition to the shops to buy their school stuff like stationery, socks, shoes and pencil cases and get them to help you write the list - and make it a fun day out. Let them choose what they want and constantly build up the excitement of getting to use and wear it all.
  • If your children are a bit concerned about the whole process, organise a school day where they get up in the morning, put on their uniform, pack their bags and walk or drive to where school is.
  • Eat a packed lunch at home. Some children worry about accessing their lunches, or maybe aren’t used to bringing lunch from home.
  • Organise a play date. If you know of other children who will be starting with your child, arrange for them to play a couple times before they start school. Children will appreciate seeing a familiar face in the school yard that first morning.


Back to school tips for returnees


After such a lovely summer break, it’s understandable if your school veteran is reluctant to go back to school and all the structure and rules.
Many children will suffer from the post-holiday blues and not want their idyllic summer to end – that’s a normal reaction.  But if their anxiety or reluctance seems more extreme, or if they’re feeling down, there maybe something particular bothering them.
Try to get them to name what’s bothering them – although they may not really know. It could be as simple as being worried about which class they’ll be in. Or nervous about being in an older year and keeping up. Maybe they have an unresolved issue from the previous year.

Back to school tips for parents


It’s not at all unusual for parents to suffer from anxiety about sending their child or children off to school – particularly for the parents of first-timers because suddenly your little baby is going to be enjoying the comparative freedom of big school.
Attend all the transition days with their child and take advantage of being able to talk to the school staff and other parents. It can help ease the anxiety to get some inside knowledge beforehand, such as to know what happens and where to do drop-off and pick-up.
Before your family knows it, the school year will be back in full swing with the next lot of holidays beckoning.

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