Friday 8 November 2013

Brothers competitiveness

Moms to all boys will likely agree that their natural competitiveness makes for an interesting home dynamic. But, sometimes, their competitiveness can get out of control. Here are some tips to help.

Just separate them

When worse comes to worse, just separate them. As much as the boys fight, nothing settles them down faster than telling them they have to be apart. Everyone needs some down time to refocus and time alone to learn independence, so a little separation may be just what the sibling rivalry needs.

Celebrate their individuality

Having children of the same sex, it's sometimes hard to differentiate them because it's so easy to group them together, sign them up for the same sports, buy them the same clothing, make them share toys. However, just like it's important to give them personal attention, it's also necessary to celebrate their habits that make them different. One can be really amazing at basketball, while another can read the most books of any child in his grade. Celebrating those individual differences make it so that they don't feel like they have to compete at every single thing.


Realize that most families have had their share of childhood strife--you are not alone.Do not allow yourself to get drawn into dramas.

Keep your cool. You are no longer a child. One hallmark of adulthood is the ability to
observe yourself dispassionately and not allow your shadow side to take over. 

Keep a sense of humour. 

Relax: didn’t everyone suffer at one point at the hands of a brother, sister or next door childhood friend?

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